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Merley First School

Forest School - Outdoor Adventurers

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We are very lucky at Merley to have the most incredible grounds and part of our site has a woodland area dedicated to Outdoor Adventurers Forest School where children can attend Forest School sessions throughout their time at Merley First School. The sessions are run by two Level 3 qualified Forest School leaders called Helen and Anita.

  • Forest School is a child-centred inspirational learning process that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions. 

  • Skills are developed through play opportunities where children are encouraged to take risks in a controlled and supported environment.  

  • Adults help children to develop their ideas and to develop their skills.

  • Forest School develops confidence and self-esteem through child-led, hands-on experiences in a natural setting.

  • Forest School helps children to develop socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically and intellectually. It also inspires a deep and meaningful connection to the world through nature.

  • Our approach to risk means that learners become risk aware rather than risk adverse, therefore building self-belief and resilience. There are risks in everything we do, and we grow by overcoming them. 

  • Forest School helps participants to become healthy, resilient, creative and independent children.

  • Our aim is that these sessions will develop your child holistically and give them the skills they need as they continue their learning journey through school and in life.


Congratulations on the wonderful Ofsted report in November 2023. Please read below.